
Fast Company: For Happiness at Work, Look Beyond the Money

  You’ve made it. You’ve secured a corner office, a nice title, and a handsome salary. You have achieved professional success. But what about professional satisfaction? You will probably spend at least one-third of your life working. Work plays an outsized role in life satisfaction. It’s mighty hard to be happy in life if we’re …

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15 Tips to Support Vigorous (but Respectful) Workplace Debates

By Fast Company Executive Board 5 minute Read Organizations thrive when a diverse team comes together to serve the audience and each other. Similarly, leaders benefit when they receive input from everyone throughout the company. Hearing from team members with a variety of backgrounds and experiences better informs important decisions. When a variety of perspectives …

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Time Wealth on Purpose

Which would you choose: Money or Time? There are two currencies in life: money and time. Money grabs all the attention, but how we think about time correlates with happiness and has the biggest impact on life satisfaction. This meaty interview with Live On Purpose Radio dives into the enriching value of time wealth.  

What’s Your Wake-Up Call?

On this penetrating podcast with Dr. Mark Goulston, I discuss a painful but perhaps familiar realization: how I was too invested in career at the expense of life. This animated podcast delivers much in content and breadth. You can listen to the full podcast right here.

What’s Your Superpower?

Excited to share this podcast. We discuss the life-altering superpower of curiosity, how to make work and life work together, how and why to put a premium on passivity, and so much more. Ironically, we don’t discuss tax strategies!   Check out the full podcast right here.


Want to make 2022 your best year yet, and enrich your life professionally, financially, and personally? Topics include: The Superpower of Intentionality Accelerate Optionality through Financial Security Banish Burnout Value Time Like Money Play the ENRICH YOUR 2022 webinar This webinar was recorded on January 11, 2022.

Thrive Global: 7 Roadblocks to Creating Happiness (and How to Overcome Them)

At a time when technology is making our lives easier, medical advancements are extending lives longer, and we have an envious standard of living, there’s a raging unhappiness epidemic.  Here are 7 actionable strategies to overcome the barriers separating you from the life satisfaction you want–and deserve. This post was initially published on Thrive Global. By …

Thrive Global: 7 Roadblocks to Creating Happiness (and How to Overcome Them) Read More »