Todd Miller Enrich Method

If life's a journey, where's the darned road map?

How to make life delicious?

Professionals routinely face familiar trade-offs that can suck the life out of life: Work or family? Time or money? Happiness or success? 

Does it have to be this way?

ENRICH provides a framework to empower you to take control, reclaim, and enrich your life – to create the life you really want.

Core ENRICH principles:

The ENRICH method:

Through a six-step process, ENRICH teaches you how to accelerate financial security, create time wealth, and ignite what’s most important. The progress you make day-to-day and month-to-month may be incremental, but the cumulative impact of these strategies is transformational.


What makes life delicious?


Prioritize your priorities.


An enriched life does not happen accidentally. It requires setting compelling goals.


Actualize your aspirations using actionable, step-by-step strategies.


Enhance life’s deliciousness, at work and home.

Harness Time

When you control your time, you control your life.

This method works. Chances are, ENRICH can help you, too.

Todd Miller Enrich Method

About Todd Miller

Who the heck is this guy and why can he help me?

That’s probably what you’re thinking, right? 

For decades I have probed and aggressively experimented with the work-life equation. I’m a career ladder kind-of-guy demanding more from life than just climbing the ladder. At an Ivy League business school I learned a lot about corporate finance, but nothing about personal finance. I discovered we’re often prepared to build prestigious careers, but unprepared to lead meaningful lives.

What I learned the hard way about creating financial security: You cannot outsource financial security, and you certainly can’t ignore it. You have to take control of your financial future, make time, make a plan, and own it.

You have to get into the driver’s seat. It’s your time and your life.

Why Todd?

While scaling the corporate ladder, I:

I’ve also performed the ultimate life hack.  At age 53, I fully retired on the Andaman Sea to devote time to the people and projects that light me up.   

Did you notice something about the above list? 

I didn’t include a single career achievement in describing who I am and what I stand for.  That’s a key ENRICH principle.

But don’t get me wrong.  I have buckets of corporate experience in the entertainment industry, where I honed these work-life strategies.  In senior leadership with a major Hollywood studio and as CEO of Asia’s largest independent regional broadcaster, for more than a quarter-century I led multimillion-dollar businesses in one of the world’s most dynamic and diverse regions.  I helped to entertain tens of millions of consumers while maneuvering through massive industry consolidation and technological disruption. 

And I confronted more corporate BS than anyone deserves in a lifetime.

It's About YOU

For a kid from Kentucky I’m blessed with a colorful career and life.  But this isn’t about me. 

It’s about YOU. 

What I learned the hard way about creating financial security:  You cannot outsource financial security, and you certainly can’t ignore it.  You have to take control of your financial future, make time, make a plan, and own it. You have to get into the driver’s seat.  It’s your time and your life.

Here’s how I can help:

I understand the debilitating impact of financial insecurity.  I’ve been on the wrong side of corporate restructuring and disruption.  I’ve endured Monday Morning Malaise, and fully get how unhappiness at work can pollute life–even when everything else rocks. 

Distracted by a cushy job in a sexy business, I failed to appreciate the imperative of accelerating financial security. Financial freedom never even crossed my mind while I was busy climbing the ladder.  Until I hit a mid-career speed bump. Then I was handicapped by financial insecurity. 

That’s when I urgently realized that economic security is foundational.

Upon this realization, I hustled to fast-track financial freedom. Less than five years later, using the ENRICH principles, I engineered outright financial security. I was no longer a wage slave. Though I continued to work for several more years, employment became optional.

When you choose to work, you anticipate Monday mornings. That changes everything.

And it can change your life, too.

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